Self Care

Maternity Reflexology – so much more than just a “foot-rub”!

Have you ever indulged in a Reflexology treatment, before or during your pregnancy? To describe it as “…leaving you feeling like you’re walking on clouds afterwards” just doesn’t do this deeply powerful therapy justice.

Therapeutic Reflexology is based on an ancient form of therapy in which therapeutic pressure is applied to reflex points in the soles of the feet and hands to bring about “homeostasis” or balance within the body’s intricate systems.  It’s a deep, intrinsic therapy which not only restores balance to your body organically, but it rejuvenates the mind too.

Reflexology has its origins 5000 years ago in ancient Egypt, as is illustrated on the walls of the tomb in Ankhmahor. Just less than 5000 years ago, Chinese records show that Buddhist monks brought a similar technique of Reflexology from India to China.  And in more recent years, reflex points were discovered in the ears, face and tongue. But, for today’s reflection, I’ll be referring to “traditional Reflexology”- done on the feet, as that’s where my expertise and love for this beautiful therapy originates.

Maternity Reflexology is a specialized form of traditional Reflexology. The Maternity Reflexologist applies therapeutic pressure and massage techniques to specific reflexes in the Mom’s feet, and/or hands. This restores the balance of raging hormones, insomnia and erratic blood pressure, to mention but a few pregnancy related health issues. What’s even more wonderful is that Maternity Reflexology not only rejuvenates her pregnant body, but it restores calm to her mind, which is all over the place during this time of her life, and it nourishes Baby too! If Mom has been having regular Reflexology treatments throughout her pregnancy, it’s almost guaranteed she’ll have an easier birth and Baby will be calm and content.

Even if you haven’t had Reflexology throughout your pregnancy there are still incredible benefits to having Reflexology treatments in your last month of pregnancy. Some of these include:

  • Quelling nausea.
  • Easing back pain.
  • Relieving constipation.
  • Stimulating circulation.
  • Improving quality of sleep.

There are many reports of Reflexology being used to assist in inducing labour – in my Reflexology practice in South Africa, I treated many pregnant women for this purpose. And it also has its merits when used in the birthing room to calm Mom between surges (contractions), to regulate her contractions, and to stimulate placental delivery.

Postpartum, Therapeutic Reflexology is invaluable for re-establishing hormonal balances in the body, stimulating milk production and reducing post natal depression. If you had a traumatic birth experience Therapeutic Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive therapy in which you feel nurtured and pampered, all the while restoring your body to its pre-pregnant state. And, even if you had a wonderful birth experience, it’s strongly recommended that you continue Reflexology treatments after having Baby.

The benefits of having Therapeutic Reflexology treatments before, during and after the birth of your baby are numerous, but a word of advice …not every Reflexologist is a “Maternity” Reflexologist. When looking for a Maternity Reflexologist you would be wise to ask for credentials and past experience working with pregnant women. Maternity Reflexology should not be painful. There are many Reflexologists out there who believe that “working the pain out of a reflex point”, regardless of how much pain they inflict on their client, is necessary to clear the blockage. However, in Maternity Reflexology this is completely untrue. Just as you chose your midwife or OB/GYN care provider as someone you feel comfortable with, so you should feel completely safe and at ease with your Reflexologist!

And if you don’t have access to a Maternity Reflexologist, there’s nothing more relaxing, and sensual, than your partner giving you a candlelit foot-rub after a long day on your feet!