Self Care

Self-care secrets that will contribute to you having a beautiful birth!

This 9th month of your pregnancy is sacred. If this is your first pregnancy, then this is probably the only time in your life you’ll be able to take time out of your busy day and dedicate it entirely to YOU. It’s not only the perfect time to be honouring YOU and your magnificent body, but it’s the best time to be preparing for this magnificent, life changing event of giving birth.

For many women this 9th month may also be the most intense, as you may be trying to put in as many hours as you can at work before Baby arrives. Or perhaps you’re trying to finish a degree you’ve been studying hard, burning the candle at both ends, to achieve. I admire your hard work and tenacity, but please, if there’s any advice you need to heed at this time, it’s this… take time-out for YOU during this sacred 9th month of your pregnancy. 

If you want to achieve a beautiful birth and be mentally, physically and spiritually equipped to handle life post-par tum, as a Mom, you need to savour every moment you have to yourself, now, in this sacred month.

  • Indulge yourself with good wholesome nutritious food – no fast-food junk that your body will have a hard time digesting.
  • Hydrate with purified water – too many pregnant women are walking around dehydrated, which may lead to birth complications.
  • Pack in some extra nutrients with freshly squeezed juice or sip some herbal tea. Herbal teas have  wonderful nourishing properties and are naturally caffeine free, so they are better for you and for Baby.
  • Soak in an Epsom salt bath at least once a week – it’s a wonderful detoxifier, and makes you sleep like a baby.
  • Get into a daily routine, before your shower, of dry brushing your body with a natural fibre brush. It stimulates the circulation and is wonderful for boosting the immune system.
  • And, spend as much time as you can in nature, stimulating your senses with the miracle of creation all around you.

Just taking the time every day to perform these self-care practices will allow you time for YOU. In this way you’ll be blessing your body and inadvertently tapping into your feminine wisdom which will significantly enhance your birthing experience and give you the added advantage of lessening the postpartum blues, so many new Moms experience. 

If you bless your body, your body will bless you!

~ Gloria Steinem
Self Care

The 9th month is sacred!

If you’ve entered your last month of pregnancy then you’ve got through the terrible bouts of morning sickness, and the roller-coaster mood swings. You’ve watched your belly and boobs grow to a size you never imagined they could be. And you’ve become well versed in the pregnancy and birth lingo. You’re excited about meeting this little person with whom you’ve become intimately bonded. But you’re also starting to experience some pangs of anxiety about the birthing process, especially when every mother you speak to seems to be filling your head with her birth story…

“That’s okay Mama! It’s entirely normal!”

Up to now your pregnancy has been a unique journey, and rest assured, your birth experience will also be a unique experience, because no two births are entirely the same!

But the secret to achieving a beautiful birth experience, is to invest this last month of your pregnancy in YOU. In this way, you not only empower yourself for the birth of your baby, but it becomes a life changing milestone in your life’s journey, that will prime you for motherhood.  

Ultimately, you’ll always look back on this month as your sacred month!

In the following weeks I’ll be giving you some sneak-peeks into my Beautiful Birth, Magnificent Mom in 4 weeks, birth empowerment eBook. I’ll also share with you, some of the best “self-care” secrets for this sacred 9th month…

Until next week, I’d like to leave you with one of my favourite quotes from Harriette Hartigan, an exquisite birth photographer, writer and midwife :       

Giving birth and being born brings us into the essence of creation where the human spirit is courageous and bold, and the body a miracle of wisdom!”

~ Harriette Hartigan