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Becoming empowered for the birth of your baby!

Become empowered for the birth of your baby!

Becoming empowered for the birth of your baby is the best thing you can do for yourself as a woman, and as a Mom!

Women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, yet it’s only in recent years that birth has become a medical procedure and birthing women have been stripped of their “power” in the birthing room. Sadly, this dis-empowerment has often resulted in women struggling to come to terms with motherhood. Their confidence is often shattered and the vital maternal bond with their baby is compromised. Many women struggle with post-natal depression too.

Yet, all of this can be avoided if you’re empowered for your baby’s birth.

So, what is it to be “empowered”?

If we deconstruct the word “empower”- the “em” is an old French prefix meaning “in”, and “power” has its origin in the 1300s and means “ability”, “strength” and “might”.   

Now let’s consider “empowerment” …

Oxford defines it as:

“The process of becoming stronger, and more confident especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.”

And Cambridge defines empowerment as:

“The process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you.”

It’s not as simple as reading a self-help book or watching a Youtube presentation.

Both these definitions describe empowerment as a process, meaning, it’s not as simple as reading a book or watching a Youtube presentation. Becoming empowered requires you to establish some necessary routines in your life. You’ll actively engage in exercises that’ll challenge you emotionally; stimulate you mentally and condition you physically. You’ll also learn how to nourish and nurture your spiritual connectedness.

So, your empowerment journey is a very personal experience in which you discover, learn about and become your best version of YOU!

You’re probably thinking, “My baby is almost due, when am I going to have time for this?”

I get it! As 21st-century women, our lives are busy and consumed with family, friends and work. The in-between times are filled with social media presence, and your “me-time” is reduced to bathroom time and sleep time. So, there’s seldom any downtime for YOU. But, when you embark on your empowerment journey, you’ll discover that “me-time” is an essential part of achieving true empowerment.  

It’s about becoming your best version of YOU!

During this rite of passage, you discover things about yourself you were completely unaware of before. You learn how to identify and improve weaknesses which would otherwise hinder you during the birth of your baby. You learn about your body, your baby and the miraculous physiological process of giving birth. Most importantly you learn how to grow and tap into your feminine wisdom which is the driving force behind your birth empowerment process. It is that higher consciousness that will ultimately empower you as a woman and a mother.

That said, do you think you’re empowered for the birth of your baby?

If you answered “yes”, Congratulations!

You are going to be a POWA© (Prepared Organized Woman of Action) Mama!

If not, you need to get empowered for this life changing experience.

Birth empowerment is a magical journey which transforms you into a woman who is so much more than the person you are now… and the best thing about it is, everyone can do it!

So, if you’re in the last few weeks of your pregnancy it’s the perfect time to begin your empowerment journey. Don’t waste another moment…

to begin your birth empowerment journey!!!

Above all, be the heroine of your life, not the victim!” ~ Nora Ephron.

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