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Birth Empowerment with Nature

You have been anointed by Mother Nature to become a mother and bring a new life into the world. This is the most sacred honour you, as a woman, will be blessed with, so in this last month of your pregnancy, surround yourself with nature and creativity.  Marvel at creation in all its forms and at every opportunity give thanks for this magnificent role bestowed on you.

In the birth empowerment program, Beautiful Birth Magnificent Mom in 4 weeks, you’ll learn how to empower yourself for the birth of your baby using nature. With a simple yet masterful method, you learn to develop your feminine wisdom by appreciating the magnificence of nature in all its forms. The more you grow and trust your feminine wisdom, the more likely you are to have a beautiful birth experience. And ultimately, your feminine wisdom will be the driving force that navigates you through motherhood.

A sneak-peak into the “Nature Walking” module of the empowerment program has you taking a 30-minute walk in nature, to marvel at Mother Nature. This idea is inspired by the Japanese healing therapy of “Shinrin-Yoku” or “forest bathing”, a health therapy which,

…”has become a cornerstone of preventative healthcare and healing in Japan.”

Ideally you should walk under a canopy of green trees, however, if you have no wooded area or forest nearby, a walk along a nature trail, on a beach, or in a park is just as good. Most importantly you must be outside and indulging your senses with nature as you walk. Listen to the birds calling to each other; smell the air and the fragrances created by the plants or the water; admire the colours and perfect petal formation of the tiniest flower; and touch or hug a tree noticing how the bark feels under your hands.

Submerge yourself and your senses in the awesomeness of nature and there will be no limits to your creativity! “

The purpose of walking in nature is to marvel at its perfection. Every aspect you take cognizance of, is absolutely perfect – just as your baby is! During your walk, find a place to sit for a few minutes and watch as nature happens around you. Notice how the animals and creatures around you go about their activities with eager intent, yet with no apparent effort. Be curious about any mothers with their offspring. Watch how they naturally assume a caring maternal role, guiding their young as they go.

As you’re watching nature transpire, take a deep breath in, and as you do, create an intention allowing yourself to become one with the environment you’re observing. As you exhale release any self-limiting judgments you may be having, about yourself or people around you. Be at peace knowing you belong in this space, in this moment and everything is as it should be.

Now, find a flower or a bud and examine it carefully. Notice how the outer petals protect the inner more delicate petals and the stamens. With this same awe, imagine your cervix opening, and your tissues and flesh succumbing to deliver your precious creation into the world – perfectly as Mother Nature intended.   Take a mental picture of this moment remembering the feeling of peace with every sense. Find a pebble, a feather or a piece of bark which feels good in your hand and imbue it with that sensual peace. This will be a touchstone you can take into the birthing room with you to remind you of this powerful moment – reassurance that in this moment ,

You and Mother Nature are one, and all powerful, delivering your creation into the world. “


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